EU Students: Enroll In September 2020 To Avoid The Risk Of Not Getting Funded In 2021
With the coronavirus pandemic spreading rapidly around the world, the healthcare industry has been busy. With more patients than they can handle and not enough staff to cover any emergency COVID-19 related staffing shortages, the NHS needs more nurses now.
£5,000 Grant For All Nursing Students Who Enroll By September 2020
Keeping that in mind, the UK government has allocated more than £33.9 billion a year to complete their #NHSLongTermPlan. An important part of the plan is to increase the number of nurses across the UK by 50,000 over the next 5 years. That is no small feat and the UK government knows it. To that end, the are offering a £5,000 grant for all nursing students who enroll by September 2020. If you aren’t enrolled in a nursing programme by September 2020, you risk not getting funded in 2021. That means more money out of pocket for your nursing degree programme and that could get expensive fast. So much so, in fact, that many nursing students could be forced to drop out of their nursing programme because they don’t have enough funds.
There are many other courses besides nursing that can receive funding between £5000 and £8,000 a year to help fund their studies from September 2020. These include:
- Dietetics
- Dental Hygiene Or Dental Therapy (Level 5 Courses)
- Occupational Therapy
- Operating Department Practitioner (Level 5 And Level 6 Courses)
- Orthoptics
- Orthotics And Prosthetics
- Physiotherapy
- Podiatry Or Chiropody
- Radiography (Diagnostic And Therapeutic)
- Speech And Language Therapy
- Paramedicine
- Midwifery
- Nursing (Adult, Child, Mental Health, Learning Disability, Joint Nursing/Social Work)
Additional 3k Funding Is Available For Certain Critical Role Positions
Not only can these disciplines receive £5000 a year, but certain disciplines can receive an additional £3,000 funding. Eligible students for this additional funding include:
£1,000 For Specialist Disciplines That Struggle To Recruit:
- Mental Health Nursing
- Learning Disability Nursing
- Podiatry
- Orthoptics
- Radiography (Diagnostic And Therapeutic)
- Prosthetics And Orthotics
£1,000 For Childcare Costs Help Them Balance Their Studies With Family Life
£1,000 In Areas Of The Country Which Are Finding It Hard To Recruit People Onto Courses
Other Available Funding For EU Students
Other funding for EU students is available from the government including Tuition Fee Loans for full or part-time students during the 2019 to 2020 academic year and 2020 to 2021 academic year, as well as help with living costs for those who have lived in the UK for more than 5 years before the first day of the first academic year of your course.
Foundation, Undergraduate And Postgraduate Courses
If your dream is to join the exciting world of medical professionals who are respected around the world and paid an exceptionally good salary, now is the best time to get started and EU Students In The UK is the best place to start. With a wide range of Foundation, Undergraduate and Postgraduate courses to choose from, EU Students In The UK makes it easy for today’s students to follow their dreams and become the nurses of tomorrow.
Don’t wait until it’s too late and you miss out on the £5,000 grant for all nursing students who enroll by September 2020. Enroll today in a nursing programme and begin your rewarding career now. Remember, if you don’t enroll soon, you could miss out on funding for 2021 and that could make attending a nursing programme in the UK extremely costly and difficult to manage.
Contact EU Students In The UK
To learn more about getting your nursing degree and why you need to apply for a nursing programme today, contact EU Students In The UK and speak with a nursing programme expert today who can answer any questions you might have.
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